Starship Troopers

July 8, 2021 by admin_name

Starship Troopers
written by Robert A. Heinlein

“Starship Troopers” is a futuristic, military, scifi novel first published as a two part series in a scifi magazine under the name of “Starship Soldier”. It was published as a book in 1969 which was during the time of nuclear testing, the beginning ofThe Vietnam War and several social changes going on in America. It was made into a movie of the same name, which was quite good. (Starship Troopers the movie). Because both the movie and novel had similarities but were so different I decided to do both separately. “Starship Troopers” has inspired an entire sub-genre of scifi called by some as the military style scifi, where a band of military people must do their duty in far off space. Although some social aspects of the story are outdated this really is a good read that is more relevant today than ever. I really liked it.

Starship Troopers Goodreads webpage

Starship Troopers Amazon webpage

“Starship Troopers” is set on a future Earth where humankind extends further and further out into uncharted space. And the main tool used in order to perform that push is the military. It takes place some 700 years from today where humanity is run by a military elite called The Terran Federation. The protagonist Juan `Johnny´Rico enters the military right after school with his friends Carl and Carmen Ibanez. Both of his friends sign up and are partially the reason Johnny signs up so quickly without giving it too much thought.

Johnny starts out as a mediocre character who gets shuffled into the branch of the military that will have him. The most dangerous branch. Probably the one with the most casualties and lost limbs. As a matter of fact, so many of the people who do come back back and are in positions of teaching, administration and such are missing a limb. When I read the book I couldn´t help but wonder if this wasn´t some kind of foreshadowing by the author as to how Johnny, or his friends, would end up. Johnny is praised and receives opportunities even though he is not the perfect, flawless soldier but we see him develop his understanding and skill as he matures in the military. He has no problems following the rules and is pretty dependable so I guess that´s what matters most.

They also mention a type of hypnosis technology and I do believe that such technology was used on Johnny to push him in the direction of the officer corps and taking on the mission to help catch an elite bug. Now it´s never stated outright but if you read that section carefully even Johnny can´t explain how he signed up but he gives it little thought and the story rolls on.

The important thing about this book is that you really have to read between the lines to get a full picture of his environment and what is going on. Robert A. Heinlein never, or rarely, comes out and tells you the symbolisms and significance behind events and this is not a story of good vs. evil. To be honest neither side of the war, whether it´s the Bugs, the Skinnies or humanity, are beyond reproach. (BTW, that is one thing the movie showed brilliantly by having Carl dressed in a nazi uniform at the end when they are going to see the brain bug.)

I loved the twist in the ending of the story. That´s one thing I really like about many of the author´s stories, like in his book “Citizen Of The Galaxy”, the theme of mentorship. It´s more subtle here, but so as not to give anything away in this story, the father / son relationship really blossoms toward the end. It takes an unexpected turn.

As far as the ending goes, well it might be safe to assume that the protagonist ends up like so many of his fellow soldiers but the important thing is that he lived the life he wanted and he lived it well.

So, go out and read this book because it´s fun and worth the time. Some of the themes in this story are just so timeless.

John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / The Written Medium


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