Citizen Of The Galaxy

November 23, 2017 by admin_name

Citizen Of The Galaxy
written by Robert. A. Heinlein

“Citizen Of The Galaxy” is a science fiction novel written by one of the greats, Mr. Robert A. Heinlein himself. He is an enduring and influential writer in the science fiction universe and has written many other great books. The novel was published in 1957 and was strongly influenced by Rudyard Kipling´s “Kim”. It has or will be produced into a graphic novel and I have to say that as a graphic novel it should do very well. Critics gave the story good Reviews and I think that it partly has to do with the universal themes of the story. You have the idea of a young boy being mentored by a well meaning man where the boy is able to grow and become wiser. As the story progresses we see the character of Thorby grow from a state of ignorance and vulnerability to a wiser, more educated individual who solves the problems in his life. I would love to see this book made into a mini-series because I believe it just has the right chemistry to be successfully brought to the screen.

Citizen Of The Galaxy Goodreads webpage 

Citizen Of The Galaxy Audible webpage

Citizen Of The Galaxy Amazon webpage

Robert A. Heinlein FantasticFiction webpage

“Citizen Of The Galaxy” tells the tale of a slave boy named Thorby who is purchased by an old beggar named Baslim `The Cripple´ who ends up being so much more than he appears. The beggar treats the boy as his son and gives Thorby something so much more valuable than money. He nurtures the boy and teaches him the ways of the World. He gives him good advice when needed and teaches him how to  think situations through, like the time he advised Thorby not to become a thief. That was very good advice and Thorby followed it in spite of his desrire to do the contrary. He teaches Thorby the trade of begging, mathematics and languages, among other things. I don´t want to give any spoilers so suffice it to say that Thorby finds out that he is really Thor Bradley Rudbek and the story takes an interesting turn from there.

In this part of the galaxy at this time an orphaned boy named Thorby is sold in an auction and ends up with a fatherly figure in his life. Throughout the course of his life we see that Thorby is a very wise person because he is able to learn from his life experiences and the mentorship of others to eventually make wise decisions and work his way to a better life. Thorby has what seems to be an under rated trait in a good character. It is something so little talked about but at the core of most good characters, I think at least. Some people would call it wisdom. Some people would call it smarts. The way the main character avoids the worst of outcomes through his choices is one thing I really love in a story and this one is no exception.

I really loved this book because it´s a simple tale with good values. It has what some might call old- fashioned values which basically means that it has themes with mass appeal. The main character Thor starts off as a slave but is well nurtured and becomes wiser through it and he ends up in a better place for it. This is a good sci-fi story without the flare and exaggeration and with characters who are likeable and very humane. I strongly recommend “Citizen Of The Galaxy” as a must read and even own.

So, check out “Citizen Of The Galaxy” because it´s a great story with good development and a good ending. I really liked it.

Written by John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / The Written Medium appius / galaxy / heinlein / ink2quill / john / quill / rudbek / thor / thorby /


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