Job Markets

January 25, 2024 by admin_name

Job Markets
John Ink2Quill

Of course the job market is changing very quickly today. The types of job that are in demand and will be in demand in the not-too-distant future are being molded by A.I. The way we do our jobs today and in the not-too-distant future will require the use of A.I. without a doubt. What was once called “white collar jobs” will be less of a big deal because of A.I. Jobs like accountants, analysts of all types, even law and medicine will rely more and more heavily on A.I. and that will remove a lot of the mystique some people might have for those professions. They might even be partially replaced by apps and algorithms and even A.I. itself.

For jobs in medicine and law once we start scheduling appointments remotely that will be the signal that such professions are less prestigious although no less important. When patients or clients start taking appointments remotely the days of patients and clients buying subscriptions to law and medical apps are not far behind.

So imagine someone is not feeling well. They have a stomach and are sweating. They crawl over to their computer and enter their medical app. In some cases the app might have a diagnoses ready and waiting for them for cases like food poisoning or bronchitis because our technology would have such an intimate relationship with us and access to everything online. It might know that a certain restaurant, which you visited, got several food poisoning complaints. In less obvious diagnoses it might give you certain tests online and perform the entire visit where once a doctor or nurse did. Your doctor might only need to sign off on the tests and paperwork and presto your doctors test is done. You would also have your note for work because your boss would have a medical note from you right away. That sounds convenient and fast.

What about people who fix our plumbing and do landscaping? They can use A.I. also but their jobs would be more hands on for now. Once technology to perform landscaping is cheaper than the human labor that labor will be replaced at least partially. I don’t see that happening yet. What I think will happen is that the higher more expensive jobs that can be partially replaced will have their pay slashed. They will not necessarily be completely replaced because they are too important but their salaries, bonusses etc. will be cut.

Imagine if your favorite doctor, dentist, financial advisor or what have you is an A.I. program or even an intelligent robot. How weird would that be? I’m assuming that companies would predict this trend and make “friendly” robots and A.I. That is to say they would start creating robots and A.I. with different personalities and humor chosen from random. We may soon be entering the age where people have friendships with their technology. Imagine the robot that delivers your freshly backed bread stops by with a delivery and stays for a chat and a cup of oil. You’d drink your coffee or tea of course but would also keep some good quality oil under the sink or in the cupboard for the robotic company that stops by every so often. It sounds funny but it may just come true.

Anyway, here is another rant on the emerging technologies and how they are changing society. It’s something to think about.

John Ink2Quill

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