
January 18, 2024 by admin_name

John Ink2Quill

Many say that technology is not only more and more useful for all of us but advancing at dizzying speed. Let me explain. We have gone from the wheel to the steam engine, printing press to the computer, computer chip, internet and A.I. and beyond.

Many people are saying that technologies have reached the point of surpassing us in some of our abilities. Technology can now calculate faster than any of us. It can juggle multiple tasks better than us. That is to say, technology can monitor, manage and give a list of decisions to be made for a business, accounts of all types that is not even mentioning how much more they can do. Think of machines that lift heavy things, cut things with great precision, custom design things that are sold as art. Yes art. And this is just to name a few things.

The exciting and interesting thing about this topic is how the scifi genre has explored the topic of technology like A.I. replacing us and then eventually deciding we are no longer needed in society. The scifi genre has made predictions of the very technology we made to replace us by getting rid of us, the human species.

One solution to this dystopian future is for us to incorporate in our bodies the best parts, the needed parts, of technology (A.I.). Cybernetics or implants might be a solution for us. The person of tomorrow might have one or several chips implanted in their bodies for varying reasons. Chips can have wonderful results when used for medical purposes. Imagine a person regulating their high blood pressure with an implant that injects them with the correct dose of their medication. Or imagine a person hiking on a dangerous trail in a dangerous part of the world who might needed assistant and their chip sends out their location with a distress signal. Now imagine this chip doing this even if the person is not conscious. Those are just some of the positive examples. There are many more.

Imagine becoming a cyborg and being able to run faster, be stronger, be healthier, smarter and instantly connected to a much vaster internet all the time whenever we want. That sounds like fun. I picture myself hiking a long trail or on a safari where you can avoid dangers. You can outrun wolves, bears or lions, jump over boulders, chasms and thorn bushes. That might be fun.

Now what happens when technology just keeps getting better and better and the number of implants and technological replacements a person is expected to get keeps increasing. What if the new standard for an adult person after a certain age is to be cybernetic? What if the cybernetic individual is the new standard the same way smart phones are the standard today? That would definitely keep A.I. happy for some time but would it be what’s best for us?

All fun aside these may be questions for us to answer in the not-too-distant future.

John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / Opinions AI / cybernetics / ink2quill / john / quill /


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