The Not Understood

March 12, 2020 by admin_name

The Not Understood and The Price We Pay For It
March 2020 Editorial

Language can be a wonderful tool that brings us together and is at the core of culture. Language is one of the valuable things we all have a right to and it is greatest when it´s shared. But what are the limits of language? What are the areas of communication where things are not understood?

The first area, the very precipice of languages ability begins when we use words to mean several things. Yes, when we shorten the breadth of our vocabulary by giving words many meanings. Now don´t get me wrong, there are some talented writers who have done this brilliantly. But think about it, instead of doubling, tripling etc. definitions on words why not just create a brand new word? And what about all those things that don´t have words but should? The ancient Egyptians had a word for each part of the day depending where the Sun was in the sky and that seemed to work out well for them.

So, where does this need to double up meanings on words come from? Does it have something to do with the limits of the human mind? Are there a fixed amount of words a language should have so people can use and it not be too complex? I don´think so because what about the people who learn several languages?

In any event, language needs some kind of an overhaul if it´s going to be a better communication tool. That is something to consider because, I feel, language is too error prone, too slow as a medium of communication, especially in this technological age and hasn´t caught up with the times. It needs words that better describe the times we live in.

Until then, smile and enjoy. So let´s get to work on that better mode of communication.



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