
May 3, 2018 by admin_name

Markets – Part 1
Ink2Quill editorial

For the past ten years and maybe longer I watched videos, read articles and blogs predicting the end of all things. They predicted the collapse of markets and still do to this day. They predict the complete loss of value of currencies like the U.S. dollar and the Euro and they predict runs on the banks and the emergence of crypto-currnecies. According to some journalists, writers and bloggers most of the western world would degenerate into a kind of chaos and banditry.

Well, the years pass and only fragments of most people´s prediction came true. I think that the criteria and parameters we use to judge  and predict events do not give us a complete picture. For example National debt. A countries national debt does influence its possibilities for the future and has led many a nation to war but in the age of larger populations and even larger pools of national currencies it is much easier for a moderately wealthy country to fudge its financial books. That is to say that fraud in a nation´s accounting is commonplace and an accepted part of life now. So when a nation claims to have a debt in the mount of X it might actually have many more times than that and nobody will question it.

I´m sure that the legendary sleuth Sherlock Holmes would be scratching his head to the scalp if he was asked to track the spending of governments around the world. We euphemistically say that things are complicated but that is not true. The truth is that deception and fraud are an accepted variable nowadays in probably all the markets and self proclaiming, democratic country can change that fact, but they can ignore it and problem solved.

So where does all this lead us as nations in a world community? Well, for starters I think the nature of the markets, currencies and trade for the world community is rapidly changing. I don´t think the wealthy economies of the world will collapse into chaos. They are merely changing.  Banks are changing from being vaults for paper currency to investment houses to little more than IT companies that will manage the software and algorithms that keep our block-chains current and functional. Banks role in society is changing not disappearing folks.

Written by John

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