Internet – City of Tomorrow

June 29, 2023 by admin_name

Internet – The A.I. City of Tomorrow
John Ink2Quill Editorial

What if the internet became the first A.I. city where this new creation could call itself a community? Some would argue that it already is. Some say that A.I. is destined to take over the internet because it’s faster and better at problem solving than us. Some also say that in spite of all the hoopla about it now that it is mostly in the background of our lives and so gets little notice. Like electricity it’s whizzing by us and getting things done while we take it’s accomplishments and deeds for granted. But seriously, what if the internet became majority A.I.? When the internet was first introduced to society most users and activity came from people. It was predicted to grow into a digital world place where people would ultimately live a double life in. That prediction has come at least partially true. One prediction that never seemed to hit the mainstream was the possibility that A.I. would be created and grow within that digital world to be the majority inhabitant. As of 2023 most actions done online are done by bots, A.I. and other types of software. People are now the minority in the digital world we created.

What would this new city look like in years to come? This change in the internet seemed to happen suddenly where people spoke of bots and cookies crawling around the internet sucking up information and whatever else to A.I. that is developing into a gigantic force that will create and regulate all happenings online. Like stop signs on city streets I can see A.I. enforcing and creating traffic and accessibility to the various ‘neighborhoods of data’ online.

What will these ‘data neighborhoods’ look like? Well I imagine that some will be people user friendly. So you might be an avatar walking through a city neighborhood like in real life. You would see storefronts building windows and doors as well as NPC type inhabitants, which would be A.I.s who give you instructions or directions. Your avatar might also have superpowers like flying and that would be fun. For example, you might also have a door at a certain address that will take you into an online game you want to play. This part of the internet designed for people and people consumption could be a fun place. This would be a world of maps like the real world where people find their way around with various types of maps or guides, like in the real world. Like the real world there would be all types of dangers. This world would have viruses and data thieves. It would also probably have bad neighborhoods too. It’s a good case of art imitating life. There would also be a problem of addiction if this digital world got too good. One danger would be if people preferred to spend most of their lives online rather than in reality with their fellow people.

You can also have the standard web searching we have today with webpages and videos. Where people would click to get to pages and see videos and have tabs to go to, like a paper book. I see a need for that kind of internet experience to diminish but not go away completely. The model of the paper book is very good for managing language and words so it will remain.

What about the data neighborhoods that aren’t people user friendly? These would be data neighborhoods almost solely for A.I. and bots and cookies too. These are data neighborhoods for the new members of society, the A.I., that work so much faster than people. We could never keep up with them so it would be a strange place. As far as what these ‘data neighborhoods’ look like visually. Well, picture data neighborhoods that are best suited for A.I. and you would have your answer. Some parts might look like train stations in the real world where people would arrive to visit and get work done in a familiar environment. However, visitors that stepped outside the digital train station might be overwhelmed. I imagine a visitor who stepped outside would see beams of light shooting back and forth all around them. Conversations and actions between the denizens would happen at speeds too fast to even hear or see. Most of what happened around them would not be noticed. People visiting such neighborhoods would need special software, equipment to slow things down like a person translating one language into another at an international meeting. A strange and new culture would develop too.

So what does the internet of tomorrow look like for people? Well, we would occupy a smaller and smaller part of it is one thing. We would also have less and less influence in it is another. And, and, and. We might eventually end up being considered foreigners who require visas and paperwork for different kinds of access. Whether it’s for “our own good” or other reasons.

Such might be the internet of tomorrow.

Written by John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / Opinions A.I. / ink2quill / internet / john / quill /


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