Happy New Year 2018

January 4, 2018 by admin_name

Happy New Year 2018

Happy New Year folks! Well another year has rolled and I´m hearing people say use words like `resolutions´ or sentences like `I´m gonna do´.  That´s all well and good but what about those people that break their resolutions down to every month. I´m talking about the people who set goals every month or every few months. That sounds like a good idea. I heard one author talk about setting the goal to write a book in  three months in the upcoming year. So what about setting resolutions to be done over the course of  few months and then setting new ones for the few months after that and so on. This new look at resolutions might be more relevant with the times we live in. I still am of the opinion that small moves are the way to go for resolutions but maybe giving those resolutions a shorter deadline might be a better move.

Otherwise, among my top three movie posts for 2017 that I think are the best are “Alien Covenent”“Carlito´s Way” and “Blade Runner 2049” with a special mention to my editorial on Hollywood called “Something Is Rotten…” . So check them out.

I also think that travelling and experiencing life away from the internet or TV is fantastic. In this day and age technological experiences in our daily lives is taking more and more of our time as opposed to living in reality. We haven´t reached that healthy balance yet and that would be a good resolution onto itself. That resolution could fill a whole year to find and implement. Consider that.

Written by John

I2Q Blogs / Opinions 2018 / appius / ink2quill / quill /


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