For Granted

November 23, 2023 by admin_name

Things Taken For Granted
John Ink2Quill Opinions

We all have things to be thankful for. Most of those things are not even acknowledged. You can speak of clean air, clean water, gravity, some civil liberties and freedoms… for now, but what about industries? What do industries like the film industries have to be thankful for? More particularly which projects, films etc. should they be thankful for? Now there’s a good question for the thinkers and bloggers of the world. Let’s go through a possible list.

Keep in mind that this list is not necessarily the films that made the most money. This is a list of films that are well done and hit the cultural mark. They can also be films that teach us a thing or two or shine light on things we need to know. Furthermore, these aren’t in any kind of chronological order or from worst to best.

The first film in this list that should be much longer than what I can provide is the fillm “Descendants”. This film was released in 2011 and takes place on the beautiful island of Hawaii. Matt King is a father managing his family through crises. This sounds simple but it’s such a well made film with such great talents like George Clooney. This film is proof that a good film can talk about real life problems without the use of explosions, stupid one-liners, stereotypical and plastic beautiful people, guns, shootouts etc. To see the each character deal with betrayal and seeming indifference ( on the part of Matt) in their own way was brilliantly portrayed. I really loved this film and highly recommend it.

The next film is also a suggestion because of the cultural perspective and entertaining feel of the story. The film is ”Fjällbacka morden – Strandridaren” realeased in 2013 and is Swedish. This is a simple murder mystery that is a pleasure to watch without any extravagance or Hollywood exaggerations. There are no overly muscular heroes, choreographed fight scenes or any of that nonsense. This is storytelling without the BS. It has a great ending too.

This next film is a classic in the cowboy, wild west genre. It stars some of the greatest actors in Hollywood like Yul Brynner, Eli Wallach and the legendary Steve McQueen. The film is taken from the Japanese film “The Seven Samurai” by Akira Kurosawa. That film is “The Magnificent Seven”. This film tics off all the boxes for a great western. The story is amazing, the action is good and the ending does not disappoint.

So, start by checking out these 3 films. MOvies like these contributed to the greatness of the film industry, without a doubt. You won’t be disappointed.

John Ink2Quill

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