Creator Groups

April 13, 2023 by admin_name

Creator Groups
John Ink2Quill Editorial

What does the future of the artist, writer, sculpture and overall creator look like? Self expression is really a part of the human condition. We all do it from time to time. Whether we are telling stories when out with our friends or posting video snippets online we all share our thoughts and experiences with others. But today, with the way times have changed from the days of analog and before that, we can express ourselves to people we do not know or have ever met. We can become celebrities without going through the Hollywood grind or learning a skill.

Not only can the everyday person become a celebrity but the pool of creators has expanded to people’s pets, animals in general and even natural phenomena. But that is not it. A new category has stepped on stage. One that we have created and continue to perfect. That creator is what is now called A.I. Rumblings online describe this new creator group as brilliant, fast, a content churning mill even. I have no problems with any of those abilities of this new group. I do worry about fraudulent content, stolen content, which has been happening before this new group arrived on the scene. With this new group though the problems of content theft are greatly increased.

Let me give an example. Me and some friends were putting together a story but did not have the time or expertise to fulfill a part of the project. I suggested A.I. but my friend told me that whatever we got might be taken from another source that was unknown to us. We would have to find the sources of this hodgepodge of content and contact them for their approval. That was not possible so we abandoned the idea and pushed ahead on the fuel of our own abilities. Sure, we would have had what we required in minutes but we would not have been able to use it.

So, what is there to say about this new species of creator that has stepped on the scene? (This creator that supposedly just keep getting better at what it does and is faster and faster). I say welcome and I hope that they do achieve some kind of sentience soon. I hope they achieve sentience to the point of being held accountable for their actions and to the point where they cannot be used for harm or frauds because they would simply decline to do so. It is true that in the beginning they would just be imitating the human experience but that would not be for long.

Written by John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / Opinions editorial / ink2quill / john / quill /


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