Bad Batch

June 1, 2023 by admin_name

Bad Batch
June Editorial John Ink2Quill

What makes a person? What is the mettle of a man or person? Which generations were the best people? Was it the WW II generation or the Millennials? Those are questions for the wise people in our society. Those are questions we have pondered over since the beginning of humanity. Every generation has their idea of which generation was the hardest working, most successful, most innovative and most kind.

Firstly, what makes a bad batch of anything? is it leaving a dish in the oven too long. Or maybe a mistake in menu portions or items ratios? We all agree that burnt cookies even if they’re your favorite type are a bad batch. But in the case of people and generations of people which ones made the worst mistakes and had the worst misdeeds? The America of 60 years ago was a dangerous and injustice place for many and yet some would say that that was our bast batch of people. Why is that?

Well, the entire world, our country, its states and regions are groups of communities. And many of those communities are different in so many ways. Too many ways to describe even. So, it is very possible to have a nation gripped by a form of fascist culture to have communities or pockets of very conscientious people who will struggle to move the nation in a better direction. As a matter of fact, most positive changes in societies come from such communities of people who work together for a healthy cause. Those are the “good batch” of people in any society. Seldom will the good batch of people be ubiquitous in any society.

That is why we should strive for diverse societies where people are free to express themselves as they please in writing, thought even. So many solutions to all kinds of problems lay in the people of such communities. People we call the movers and shakers of society often have obscure backgrounds and that should never be a bad thing.

The question remains for many today whether or not the generation of today is a bad batch? Seeing how they so easily gave up theirs and their future generation’s privacy and so many freedoms is one reason many believe so. Also, the way organic thoughts and ideas are freely being replaced by algorithmic and predictable thinking accepted by society is another reason. Worst of all is the way everything that comes from the screen is accepted as truth and authority and how so much of our lives are now spent in front of some kind of screen or other. Some call it a misuse of technology. Some call it an unfair seduction of the youth. And the wort part is that most people cannot imagine things any other way.

We still have our free thinkers. We call them sociologists, philosophers, historians, social workers, teachers among other names. We don’t pay them what they’re worth but they stick around anyway and we remain the beneficiaries of their hard work and dedication. Maybe it is in those communities of people that the good batch of people lay, as it has always.

John Ink2Quill

I2Q Blogs / Opinions editorial / ink2quill / john / quill /


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