Happy New Year

January 1, 2015 by admin_name

Happy New Year!

I hope everybody had a happy New Year. That means also getting all the traveling you intended done, fulfilling the New Year´s resolutions of 2014 and basically having a good 2014. New Year´s 2015 at Times Square was the usual drunken chaos and I hope none of my readers got arrested or woke up in embarrassing circumstances. Otherwise, it´s a brand new year which deserves a brand new set of resolutions.

I´ve been criticized for not having enough variety in my blogs. I got a comment from someone in Thailand who said that I only dealt with sci-fi, action and drama films. They asked my opinion on several films from different genres such as comedies, independent, documentaries, romance and even old classic films and books. (They mentioned “Gone With The Wind”). I even got a comment by someone who asked about writing more book blogs, more precisely western classic literature. (Since he was from China).

All these people have a point and I would love to deal with all genres of films and more literature, such as the classics. So it looks like I have my resolutions for the year all cut out for me without even having to give it any thought.

As far as new year’s resolutions for everybody is concerned, the best advice I can offer is to make the changes in your life that need to be made and not the ones other people want you to make. New year’s resolutions are about personal improvement and lifestyle change.

For example, a resolution to cut down on your screen watching would be a good one. Whether it’s a TV, smart phone or computer screen makes no difference.

My favorite type of resolutions are the ones that have us adopt new projects, such as learning a new language, writing a book or traveling to a remote culture.

There are also the resolutions where we can devote our time and resources to a good cause, such as volunteering, joining a podcast or creating a blog.

So in the spirit of positive change expect a blog on Herman Melville’s classic “Moby Dick” to come out this month, as well as a look at the documentary “Supersize Me”.

(Commentary by www.ink2quill.com )

I2Q Blogs / Opinions I2Q editorial Jan 2015 /


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